A Note to the Mom in a Hard Season

We know right now, it feels so incredibly hard
We know right now, it feels like things will never get easier
We know right now, you crave a moment alone just to breathe
We know right now, you are more exhausted than you thought possible
We know right now, it takes everything in you to keep showing up for your child

Do you have days where you wonder how choosing responsiveness can be the right choice?
Do you have days where you question your decision to parent with connection over separation? 
Do you have days where you are unsure how choosing to show up for every midnight cry is worth it? 

Every time you show up for them when they call, you are showing them what it feels like to trust 
Every time you welcome the emotion, you are showing them what it is to be unconditionally loved 
Every time you find a way through your own triggers to respond with love, you are showing them what it feels to be safe
Every time you welcome dependence, you are showing them what it is to have a secure home base to venture forth from 
Every time you choose connection over separation, you are showing them they can rest in their attachment with you 

Your baby does not need perfection
Your baby needs you to start the day with positive intentions 
Your baby needs to to always put the focus on your connection 

Connection is at the core of it all
Connection will provide your baby with security
Connection can guide you through changes so everyone can thrive
Connection is an investment in the lifelong relationship you have with your child
Connection is what will help you to find the joy within the moments that feel so hard

Categories: Attachment, connection, Motherhood, Parenting