The Baby Sleep Experience combines the knowledge of The Baby Sleep Course with the community and support of live group coaching to help
you to feel empowered and connected when it comes to getting more sleep without sleep training. 

 You’re a responsive and attachment-focused parent, who wants to continue to show up for your child when it comes to sleep, while still getting the rest you need to be the confident and caring parent you want to be
during the day. The Baby Sleep Experience is exactly what you've been looking for! 

Registration now closed!
Stay tuned for the next round in September! 

Whether you're a....

  • Working parent or a stay at home parent, we are here to provide you with the knowledge you need to feel empowered in making changes to what is no longer working for you in a way that fosters the attachment relationship
  • Breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the Baby Sleep Experience will help you to fine tune our approach to sleep rather than relying on a generic or one size fits all approach that fails to take into your baby's unique and individual needs
  • Crib sleeping or bed sharing family, we are here to support the decisions you make for your family and believe that your sleep goals can be achieved whether you choose to have your baby sleep in a crib or sleep in the same bed as you.

You're in the right place and we can't wait to get started on your journey to feeling connected with your child while making the changes your family needs to thrive.

By the end of The Baby Sleep Experience you will have...

  • A strong understanding of normal infant and toddler sleep 
  • Ruled out any medical barriers to sleep that may be causing your child to wake
  • Understood and implemented the foundational elements of sleep
  • Carried out changes to the parts of sleep that are no longer working for your family
  • Felt empowered as a parent to make the best decisions for your child because you are their best bet
  • Understand your child on a deeper level

Ready to get more sleep without sleep training

Specific challenges we will be supporting you through:

  • Early rises before 6am
  • False starts (waking within 1-2 hours of bedtime)
  • Split nights (aka 2am parties)
  • Night weaning (partially OR fully)
  • Addressing hourly wakes
  • Shifting sleep associations
  • Bringing in another caregiver
  • Contact napping
  • Returning to work 
  • Sleep space transitions 
  • Transitioning away from bedsharing
  • & more!

Looking for even more feedback on our support from families who have work with us or more reviews on our content?  Read more on our full testimonial page or you can check out reviews on The Baby Sleep Course here

We've broken down the content that makes up The Baby Sleep Experience into 5 phases that we will be guiding you through and answering all your questions along the way! 

The experience starts in Phase 1 with introduction and goal setting. We want to get to know you and we want you to get a strong sense of where you're at and where you see yourself at the end of the experience. 

In Phase 2, it all begins with some basics. We start with self-care and your village of attachment because we can't start the experience without taking the time to recognize how important it is to show up for ourselves so we can best show up for our children. After we start with you as a parent, we will be going through the significance of lifestyle and cultural expectations while also learning about what is biologically normal when it comes to sleep for infants and toddlers. We will also take the time to be sure there is nothing that warrants further investigation by taking you through red flags and chatting about hourly wakes. Our approach is rooted in attachment so we take the time to teach you about the basics of attachment and the significance it holds when it comes to sleep. 

Phase 3 is dedicated to the Fundamentals of Sleep, and for a good reason! We can't tell you the number of families we have supported who saw so much positive change around their little ones sleep just by looking at the foundational elements of sleep. From safe sleep and sleep environment to sleep science, naps, and rhythm and routine, we've got you covered! 

Emotion and goal setting is where we start in Phase 4 before moving into preparing your family for the change. This is where we work to identify the cause for sleep concerns in your family and what we can do to take tangible steps to make positive changes! 

Phase 5, the final phase of The Baby Sleep Experience, is all about implementation. The reason we created the experience is because so many families found the content invaluable but needed a little bit of support to reach their goals. This phase is designed to give you the time to make changes, with real time support and two sleep specialists cheering you on along the way! 

The Baby Sleep Experience
(a $499 USD value)

  • Over 35 Lessons teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know about getting more sleep without sleep training and supporting your little one
  • 5 Phases to Complete with two Baby-Led Sleep & Well-Being Specialists guiding you through the content 
  • 10 Group Coaching Webinars to ask questions and get real time support as you implement changes twice a week for 5 weeks
  • Community of like minded parents and opportunity to add to your village 

Over 5 weeks you will have access to all of the content we use to support families in making changes so everyone can get the rest they need and deserve. The content is released in phases so that we can guide you through the process and help you to implement it in a way that applies to your unique family while taking into account your baby's individual needs. We will be there with you every step of the way so you can feel confident and empowered in applying the education to your family's situation.  

P.S. - The content in the course is yours to keep for life! 

Did we mention the bonuses? 

On top of all of the amazing information we have ready to share with you (it will seriously change how you approach parenting day & night!) we wanted to take The Baby Sleep Experience to the next level with additional bonus content from a few amazing professionals.

Bonus #1
Introduction to Solids with Hayley Bennison, IBCLC ($25 value)

Bonus #2
Getting Started with Unconditional Parenting with Blimie Heller, Parent Coach ($40 value)

Bonus #3
Introduction to the Highly Sensitive Child with Rachel Samson, M.Psych  ($50 value)

$499 value + $115 worth of bonuses
$614 value for $347 USD! 


How does The Baby Sleep Experience compare to 1-1 support?

We created The Baby Sleep Experience because families were sharing that they were loving The Baby Sleep Course and feeling empowered by the content they were getting. In some cases, families felt they needed to do a 1-1 call with us to help pull the final pieces together and implement the steps that applied to their unique situation. By taking families through the course together, everyone is getting lifetime access to ALL the content we use to support families and 2 live group coaching sessions per week, for the 5 weeks of The Baby Sleep Experience. These will help you to get unstuck and continue to make the progress you want to make surrounding your baby’s sleep.

What extra support is there?

In addition to 2 live group coaching sessions per week for the 5 weeks of The Baby Sleep Experience, there will also be an exclusive community of support. We know how isolating being a parent can be at times, but we also know how amazing it can feel to be part of a community of like-minded parents.
Will my baby cry?

Babies often cry in response to a change we’re asking them to make, but we believe these tears should be supported with love and empathy. Within the course we guide you through supporting emotion and goal setting. You will learn all about how to guide your child through the changes while respecting and supporting their tears in a responsive way. We always ask that you are supporting your baby through any change and that you stay both physically and emotionally present with them at all times. We never ask you to leave the room or respond in intervals because we know babies need parental presence to down-regulate.

Is there any sleep training involved?

NO. We don’t believe in sleep training and it’s never a solution we recommend to families. Our course was created to guide your family through sleep transitions without the use of any separation based techniques. There is absolutely no sleep training involved in this process. We provide you with a comprehensive explanation of attachment and emotion so you can guide your child through all changes in the most responsive way possible.

What do you define as sleep training?

We define sleep training as the use of separation - whether physical or emotional - from our child to achieve a desired behaviour. We encourage you to stay present, physically and emotionally, so you can follow your instincts and attune to your baby in every interaction you have with them. We want to put the relationship first, always.

When are the group coaching sessions?

We understand everyone's schedules are busy so our group coaching sessions occur twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. If you can't join us live you can always pre-submit a question and watch the replay! 

Still Thinking About It?

We want nothing more than to help you make positive changes while still fostering the attachment relationship you have with your child. The Baby Sleep Experience is for you if:

  • You're ready to get more rest but leaving your little one to cry goes against every instinct you have 
  • You want lifetime access to all the amazing content of the course but you also want some support in real time as you work through the content
  • Your relationship with your child is something you value over all else, but you are wanting to make positive changes so you can thrive as a family

We cannot wait to support you through The Baby Sleep Experience.  
The information we want to share with you was truly life changing for us as parents. Understanding how attachment and sleep are connected empowered us to lead our children confidently at all ages and stages, not only with sleep, but in all aspects of the parenting journey.

We want nothing more than for you to feel that same sense of confidence. We want you to feel empowered and we want you to feel confident about leading your child in establishing healthy sleep patterns.

Should you choose to join us, we know you will feel ready to guide your child through any change that needs to be made, now and in the future.

We look forward to meeting you inside The Baby Sleep Experience. 

Registration now closed!
Stay tuned for the next round in September!