We See You, Mama

To the mama who feels like she is the only one who can’t get her baby to sleep
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who feels like she is the only one whose baby is “still” waking up at night
We see you, we’ve been there

To the mama who feels like she failed her baby by creating “bad habits” or “sleep crutches”
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who desperately wants a break, but can’t bear to be away from their baby
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who genuinely needs to make changes but doesn’t know how to do it
We see you, we’ve been where you are 

To the mama who feels beyond overwhelmed and confused 
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who doesn’t see how things will possibly ever get better
We see you, we’ve been where you are 

To the mama who is struggling to find joy in the season they are in
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who feels isolated and lonely 
We see you, we’ve been where you are

To the mama who doesn’t feel good about a generic approach to parenting
We see you, we’ve been where you are 

To the mama who feels shame and guilt for being responsive 
We see you, we’ve been where you are 

To the mama who feels like she can’t follow her instincts because she’s been told their aren’t trustworthy
We see you, we’ve been where you are

We’re mamas just like you. We’ve been there and we want you to know you are not alone. We know the feelings of exhaustion, defeat, loneliness, frustration and confusion.  We know what it feels like to not be able to close the gap between wanting to show up for your child, but also needing to make a change.

We also know what it feels like to find our footing again.

We know what it feels like to have that sense of empowerment when you can once again follow your heart, when you can embrace your instincts instead of fighting them.  We know that incredible feeling when you can drown out the noise and be unapologetically responsive to your child. We know what it feels like to confidently do what feels right for you and your family so that you can feel compassionately connected to your child. We know the sense of freedom when you learn how to make changes that feel right and make it possible for everyone to thrive. We know what it feels like to take back your motherhood. 

If you need help making this shift, let us help guide you. Let us cheer you on. Let us inspire you. 

The Baby Sleep Experience might be exactly what you've been looking for. 

Categories: Motherhood, Parenting